Get Involved

There are lots of ways you can support this Ride for Tavie. If you fancy a challenge and want to join for all or part of the ride, then do it! If cycling really isn't your thing, then that's okay too. Take a look below for all the different ways you can support and get involved.
- Join the ride - for part or the whole 500k in 5 days!
- Celebrate with us at key milestones along the route
- Fundraise with us
- Support by sharing Tavie's story to raise awareness and help save lives
Please note: Registration to join the ride as part of this event has now closed.
For more information or to get in touch, please email the team
Updates will be posted on the homepage and broadcast across our social media channels, so keep an eye out for more info!
...and thank you. Just reading this page suggests you would like to help and that means the world to us.