Ride for Tavie - 500km cycle in five days

Ride for Tavie - 500km cycle in five days
Tavie: 6 days after the amputation

Tavie has fought the ultimate fight for her life, assisted by some incredible people. We want to do a challenge we feel is worthy of raising money to support Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity, GOSH Critical Care Units (CCU) and the Sick Childrens Charity Trust. Click here to donate and keep scrolling to read more information!

The Route

We will start the ride in Norfolk where Tristan grew up, then cycle to Barnet Hospital where Tavie's hospital stay began. We will follow the route of our terrifying ambulance ride from Barnet Hospital to Great Ormond Street Hospital, London (GOSH). From GOSH, we will cycle to Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff where Tristan and Ceri were married in 2018.

The bike ride will take five days and the exact route still needs to be agreed upon, however, here's a snapshot of the plan for each day:

Day 1- Friday 26th July

  • Norfolk to Cambridge

Day 2- Saturday 27th July

  • Cambridge to GOSH (via Barnet Hospital)

Day 3- Sunday 28th July

  • GOSH to Newbury

Day 4- Monday 29th July

  • Newbury to Bath

Day 5- Tuesday 30th July

  • Bath to the finish line at Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff

How you can get involved

There are lots of ways to get involved. Cycling enthusiasts can come and join the ride. If you have no interest in cycling, no problem! Come and cheer them on along the route, or come and celebrate the key milestones in a local pub with us.

Ride with us!

We welcome anyone who would like to ride with us. You can join the full five-day 500k ride or sign up for part of the route. There will be a small fee to cover costs for your participation in the ride, which will be confirmed once we have a better indication of how many participants we are expecting. So, if you're looking for a challenge and want to raise awareness and lots of money in support of the most worthy cause, then get in touch to get involved!

Please note: Registration to join the ride as part of this event has now closed. You can still cheer the riders on. See
below for more info.

Cheer the riders on

Join the riders to celebrate key milestones along the way. We'll be gathering to celebrate, share our story and save lives along the way.

We will be encouraging people to join us outside Great Ormond Street Hospital to cheer for the riders as they arrive at the end of Day 2 (Saturday 27th July, 2024). We will arrange a celebration at a nearby pub.

We will be waiting at the finish line to cheer for the riders as they complete the 500k cycle on Day 5 (Tuesday 30th July, 2024) at Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff. That will be followed by celebrations at a nearby pub.

Please keep checking this page and new posts on the home page for updates!

Help the fundraising effort

You can donate here and please share Tavie's page to share her story far and wide. All donations are so important to the charities we are supporting, so thank you in advance.